
Unlock Effortless Gardening with the Powerhorse High Wheel Trimmer

Gardening and lawn care can be as rewarding as they are challenging, especially when dealing with rough terrain or hard-to-reach areas. That's where the Powerhorse High Wheel Trimmer from GNE (Great Northern Equipment) comes into play. This innovative gardening tool is designed to make your lawn care routine easier, more efficient, and effective.

High Wheel Design for Superior Maneuverability

The Powerhorse high wheel trimmer features large, sturdy wheels designed to tackle uneven terrain easily. Whether you're dealing with thick grass, weeds, or bumpy landscapes, this trimmer glides smoothly, offering unparalleled control and maneuverability. This means less strain on your back and arms, allowing longer trimming sessions without the fatigue associated with traditional trimmers.

Powerful Cutting for Precision and Efficiency

Equipped with a high-performance motor, the Powerhorse high wheel trimmer cuts through overgrowth quickly and effectively. The cutting swath is generous, ensuring you cover more ground in less time, making it ideal for large properties or commercial spaces. The trimmer line is tough and easy to replace, guaranteeing that your trimmer is always ready for action.

Easy to Use and Maintain

The Powerhorse high-wheel trimmer's design is based on simplicity. Its user-friendly features make it easy for gardeners of all skill levels to operate. Adjustments can be made quickly without tools, and maintenance is straightforward, ensuring your trimmer lasts season after season.

Your Questions Answered

Ideal for homeowners with large yards and professional landscapers alike, the Powerhorse High Wheel Trimmer promises efficiency, control, and comfort. Its powerful motor and durable trimmer line easily tackle tough weeds and dense overgrowth, ensuring a neatly trimmed area. With minimal routine maintenance required, such as checking the trimmer line and cleaning after use, this trimmer is designed to perform season after season.


The Powerhorse high wheel trimmer is a reliable, powerful, and user-friendly solution for all your trimming needs. Its design and features cater to both the amateur gardener and the professional landscaper, ensuring that everyone can achieve a beautifully manicured lawn with less effort. Experience the difference in your gardening routine with the Powerhorse High Wheel Trimmer from GNE (Great Northern Equipment).

Powerhorse High Wheel Trimmer Powerhorse High Wheel Trimmer